Regulations/Fines (Travel rules)
Rights and duties of passengers
In this section are reported the documents that explain rights and duties of passengers that use the public transportation service in the areas where Start Romagna operates and are also reported the procedures for submitting suggestions and claims to the Company and the authorities in charge.
Tickets: purchase and validation |
Ticketing rules |
Travel regulation |
Exercize of the Right to Strike |
Mobility Card |
Claims and suggestions |
Administrative sanctions |
Tickets: purchase and validation
To access the service, you need to have a valid travel ticket and validate it.
You can purchase the ticket either on land, from authorized points of sale and automatic ticket machines, or onboard using the EMV StarTap system or, where available, at an additional cost from onboard ticket machines. Moreover, the DropTicket, MooneyGo, and Roger apps allow you to buy tickets through smartphones.
The ticket must be validated properly right after boarding. After validation, it is advisable to check the accuracy of the stamp (date and time). In case of any errors, it’s important to immediately inform the vehicle’s driver.
Tickets purchased from onboard ticket machines do not require validation.

The owners of a season ticket has to check the validity and, if requested, fill it by including the personal data, the card number and/or validate it at any ride.
We remeber that, according to art. 40 comma 3 of Legge Regionale Emilia Romagna n. 30 of 2/10/1998 and following modifications and integrations, , the passengers has to show the ticket to the ticket inspectors wich, while checks and verifies, it is a Public Officier. The ticket has to be intact and recognizable and in anyway must not be rigged or altered; in event of irregolarity about the tickets’ usage, the ticket inspectors are authorized to proceed with the passenger identification (art.40 comma 9).
General ticketing rules
- Buy your ticket on land or on board (an overprice may be applied according to the purhcase method selected)
- Enter from the front door and show to the driver your ticket: the presence of passengers out of regulation will be reported to the company
- Validate your ticket as soon as you board the bus: advise the driver if the validator malfunctions
- The purhcase on board is make with the money equivalent to the ticket price, the authomatic vending machine on board (if available) does not give change
- In event of purchase from the driver, the driver will give the ticket only if he has got the right change for the ticket required (you can pay by using max a 10 euro note)
- The ticket bought from the driver has to be validated by the passenger
Ticketing rules | DOWNLOAD |
Travel rules
The Start Romagna’s travel rules, valid for all the areas in wich the company operates (Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna e Rimini), includes the norms that rule the passengers’ rights and obligations, supporting access and usage of the service.
Following the rules, an information right and on time and the co-operation between customer and company are the preconditions needed for a safe and quality travel.
Down here it is possible to downoad the full document or the summary present on the bus for consultation.
- All the stops need to be requested
- The passenger on the bus has to activate in time the push button to request the stop
- The passenger on land at the bus stop has to make in time a clear sign to the driver, communicating his will to use the service
- During the ride it is needed to hold on the specific supports
- Do not block the boarding area
- In event of a serious injury advise the driver immediately
- In event of a passenger on wheelchair, put it in the apposite spot
- It is reccomended to be aware to pickpockets
Exercise of the Right to Strike
Forlì-Cesena Area
Under the law limitations 12.6.90 n° 146, as to strike entitlement regulations, daily slots are defined to guarantee minimum transport service.
In case of strike, all arrivals are guaranteed for rides departing from 5,30 a.m. to 8,30 a.m. and from 13,00 p.m. to 16,00 p.m. for lines granted by the Province of Forlì – Cesena or from 12,00 a.m. to 15,00 p.m. for lines granted by the Province of Ravenna.
Ravenna Area
In case there is a personnel strike, service is assured during the guaranteed time slots, in accordance with the current regulations, for a total of 6 hours:
- 1st slot: from 5.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.
- 2nd slot: from 12.00 a.m. to 15.00 p.m.
Also private school service and workers that do not come under the guaranteed slots, are assured.
Coinciding with the starting and finishing time of strikes, service is interrupted and resumed as follows:
- urban service: the implementation of all rides that depart from their respective terminals is guaranteed within the time the strike starts and up to the other end terminal, or, in any case, until there are no more passengers present on board. From the time strike starts, stops will only be available for getting off the bus. As service resumes, all buses will depart from the Railway Station and, the implementation in both directions of the block of rides from the first stop, will be guaranteed depending on the scheduled hours ensuing the time the strike ended, that is, the starting point of the slot. As to the urban services of Lugo and Riolo Terme, buses will leave again from their respective terminals;
- suburban and coastline service: all rides leaving from the terminal after the first time slot and within the second time slot, will be effective;
- ferry service: service is interrupted and resumed at the quay of Port Corsini.
Rimini Area
All rides belonging to time slots from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 13:00 p.m. to 16:00 p.m., are excluded from strikes.
Services dedicated to compulsory education students, meant as rides specially put into effect to satisfy such requests, are likewise excluded.
All suburban and urban rides that depart within 30 minutes that strike starts, are put into effect up to the destination terminal.
Throughout periods of important events, meetings and conferences that take place in the city of Rimini or in its province and, for which the company is engaged with specially provided services, these are excluded from strikes.
Mobility Cards
The Mobility Card is a document with which Start Romagna commits to guarantee the standards expected and adopted for the Public Transportation’s sector, in order to pursue the customer’s satisfaction.
Mobility Card for the Forlì-Cesena area | DOWNLOAD |
Mobility Card for the Ravenna area | DOWNLOAD |
Mobility Card for the Rimini area | DOWNLOAD |
Claims and reports
Start Romagna’s customers can send at any time to the company claims and reports about the services provided in the areas where the company operates. In order to help the chance to get in touch with the company, Start Romagna has activated several channels controlled by a dedicated Customer care service.
Click here to send a claim or a report to Start Romagna.
Second istance claims
European Regulation 181/2011 – Authorithy of Transports’ Regulation
For potential violetions in accordance to the UE Regulation n. 181/2011, and partially to the expetced circustances:
- contractual conditions or discriminatory fares;
- non-compliance to the requirements for safeguard to people with disability or reduced mobility;
- informations to the passenger about travel and his rights;
- missed adoption of the claim treatment system;
- missed communication of the final results of the claim;
it is possible to send in second istance a claim to the Transportation Regulation Authority with a Claim form filled and furnished with the copy of a valid ID of the claimer, and send it with registered mail, with certified emial (pec) at the following address: or with normal email at the address: or, when it will be available, with the specific telematic system for sending and managing claims (SITe).
These claims have a second istance nature (they can be presented only after a claim is sent to the transportation company and the terms expected for the answer has expired) and has to be presentend in three months from the date when it was carried out the regoular service or it was supposed to be carried out.
Always show your better side
Administrative sanctions
Check out the fines applied to the customers without valid ticket and verify the norms about the administrative sanctions.
If you want file an appeal aginst a sanction, click here.