Info tickets

Tickets and fares for the Start Romagna’s service

ATTENTION – Page under revision
New fares are in effect for traveling within the Rimini, Ravenna and Forlì-Cesena area.
Visit the dedicated pages (in italian) for all the details and updates:
Titoli di viaggio Rimini – Rimini Travel Tickets
Titoli di viaggio Ravenna – Ravenna Travel Tickets
Titoli di viaggio Forlì-Cesena – Forlì-Cesena Travel Tickets

Single ride ticket
Single ride ticket for the Rimini urban area
Single ride ticket with an extra charge
Multiple rides ticket (10 rides pack)
Mi Muovo Multibus
Day Tickets
Romagna SmartPass
Rail SmartPass
Titoli di viaggio danneggiati o deteriorati
Ticket validation
Fares guide • Forlì-Cesena and RavennaUnder revision
Fares guide • RiminiDOWNLOAD
Administrative fees (valid from 4.12.23)DOWNLOAD

Single ride ticket

These ticket allow you to travel on board of more than one means of transport in the area marked on the ticket. They must be validated as you get on board in the provided validating machine. The time limit of the travel is marked in minutes next to the sign (clock) and it will start from validation time (printed on the back by the validating machine).

Biglietto corsa semplice

Each area has a different colour in order to distinguish tickets at first glance. Follow the colour and find your areas!

  • 1 AREA
  • 2 AREAS
  • 3 AREAS
  • 4 AREAS
  • 5 AREAS
  • 6 AREAS
  • 7 AREAS


Ticket 1 Area60 min€ 1,30
Ticket 1 Area Rimini75 min€ 1,50
Ticket 2 Areas75 min€ 2,10
Ticket 3 Areas90 min€ 2,90
Ticket 4 Areas105 min€ 3,70
Ticket 5 Areas135 min€ 4,50
Ticket 6 Areas150 min€ 5,10
Ticket 7 Areas165 min€ 5,70

Single ride tickets with an extra charge

Single ride tickets with an extra charge can be purchased on board by the bus driver (due to the Covid-19 pandemics this is sospended at the moment) and at the ticket machines on board, if present. They allow you to travel with all means of transport within the areas marked on the ticket. They must be validated as you get on board in the provided validating machine. Tickets bought by the vending machines on board in the Rimini area don’t need to be validated.

The time limit of the travel is marked in minutes next to the sign (clock) and it will start from validation time (printed on the back by the validating machine).


Ticket 1 Area60 min€ 2,00
Ticket 2 Areas75 min€ 3,00
Ticket 3 Areas90 min€ 4,00
Ticket 4 Areas105 min€ 5,00
Ticket 5 Areas or more135 min€ 6,00

Multiple Rides Tickets (10-rides Pack)

Biglietti multicorse (Carnet 10 corse)

New multi-journey ticket, called Carnet 10 corse, it’s a magnetic stripe ticket valid for 10 rides and it also can be used by several people at once, validating the ticket for each person, maximum 7 contemporary validations.

With the validation, your ticket will be printed with date, time, area and number of the bus. This allows you to check immediately both the residual minutes of your ride and also the remaining journeys, and it’s useful in case of an inspection of authorised staff.

10-rides ticket allows you to travel on several bus lines within the validity time of the travel ticket, as long as the route is entirely included in the selected area. The ticket must be validated each time you change the bus line, but no more rides will be payed and beside the validation will be printed a letter “C”.

The 10-rides ticket is available from 1 to 5 areas.


Carnet 1 Area (10 rides)60 minutes each€ 12,00
Carnet 2 Areas (10 rides)75 minutes each€ 18,00
Carnet 3 Areas (10 rides) 90 minutes each€ 24,00
Carnet 4 Areas (10 rides)105 minutes each€ 30,00
Carnet 5 Areas (10 rides)135 minutes each€ 34,00

Old multi-rides contactless tickets can be used until stocks run out without any expiration date.

Mi Muovo Multibus

Mi Muovo

Impersonal carnet with 12 rides of 75 minutes each, the price is €15.

Each ride is valid for a one-area travel by using one or more buses, included travels in the urban areas of Piacenza, Parma, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Ravenna, Bologna, Forlì-Cesena, Rimini, Imola, Faenza and Carpi. For a travel that goes trough more areas it is required to validate the card every time a new area is entered. This card can be used by a maximum of 7 people.

It is available in the ticket offices of Start Romagna, Seta, Tep and Tper and in the self-service vending machines network in Emilia-Romagna. For more info visit the Emilia-Romagna’s website.

Day Ticket 24H

Valid 24 hours from the moment of validation (time printed on the back from the validating machine) within the areas shown on the ticket (see the example here below). Day Ticket 24 hours makes it easier to travel and is more convenient compared to the purchase of two hour-tickets starting already from the 3rd area. 

To be valid, Day Ticket must be filled in by the user, who has to write the starting area number, as well as the destination area one.

Biglietti giornalieri Day Ticket


Day Ticket 1 Area*€ 3,00
Day Ticket 2 Areas€ 4,50
Day Ticket 3 Areas€ 5,50
Day Ticket 4 Areas€ 6,50
Day Ticket 5 Areas€ 7,50

* Day Ticket 1 Area it is not valid in Rimini area, so you have to use Day Ticket 2 Areas (4,50 €).

Romagna SmartPass

Romagna SmartPass covers the territory of the 3 provinces of Romagna (Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini) with a single ticket valid for 3 days (€11) or 7 days (€22), with the freedom to board from any stop and for any destination of the network. In fact with this ticket it is possible to take every Start Romagna bus, without limitations of time or areas.

Romagna SmartPass must be validated on the first trip using the appropriate validating machines and from then on, depending on the solution chosen, it is valid for the next 3 days (72 hours) or 7 days (168 hours) on the entire Start Romagna network.

If you purchase Romagna SmartPass via smartphone apps DropTicket and myCicero, the ticket is valid 3 days or 7 days including the validation day.

Romagna SmartPass


Pass 3 days€ 11,00
Pass 7 days€ 22,00

Rail SmartPass

Rail SmartPass allows you to discover every part of Romagna and move in complete freedom: this ticket in fact allows to take every Start Romagna Bus, just like the Romagna SmartPass, but also to use the regional trains (no high-speed) in the area wich has as borders:

• Cattolica – Rimini – Ravenna (on the coast);
• Rimini – Faenza – Castel Bolognese (on Emilia Street);
• Castel Bolognese – Lugo – Ravenna;
• Faenza – Russi – Ravenna.

Passes can be valid 3 or 7 days and can be bought in the authorised selling point in the area (Punto Bus Start Romagna) or by using app myCicero.

Rail SmartPass on the card contactless must be punched before the first ride by using the validation machines on board of Start Romagna’s buses or inside the railway stations. The card is personal and can not be transfered, on the back are reported the owner’s name and surname (by the Punto Bus where the ticket were bought).

Rail SmartPass on app myCicero allows to travel on bus or train and it is automatically validated on the first day of the duration time choosen at the purchase. By using app it is possible to buy multiple tickets and allowing many people to travel together.


Pass 3 days€ 25,00
Pass 7 days€ 50,00

Children under 4 years old that go with an adult with Rail SmartPass, travel for free.

Damaged or deteriorated tickets


Ticket validation

La convalida del biglietto

E’ necessario convalidare il biglietto appena saliti in vettura.
L’uso irregolare e/o la contraffazione del biglietto è passibile delle sanzioni di legge.