Complaints and suggestions

Complaints and suggestions

For us, complaints and suggestions are an important instrument to know better our customers and their perception of the services we supply.

In fact, complaints and suggestions express the motivation of the customers’ unsatisfaction and allow us to make the service better by starting from the solution of the reported problems or from the users’ suggestions.

For each complaint recived, it is activated a verification procedure of the criticalities reported. For this purpose, it is essential to fill the underlying form with your own personal informations along with personal contacts and with every detail that could be useful in order to identify precisely the terms and the circumstances of the event (date of the event, time, place, bus line and so on).

Start Romagna is committed to provide the customer a written answer (letter, SMS, e-mail) or by using the telephone during the period of time estabilished by the Carta della Mobilità of the area of competence. In order to made a written or telephonical warning, it is possible to speak to the headquarter of the area.

The fields marked with * are mandatory.

If you don’t want to proceed by filling the form online, it is possible to download the form for complaints or suggestions in english here.

Request: Complaint Suggestion

    Insert your data


    Attach documentation

    Start Romagna, in qualità di Titolare del trattamento dei Suoi dati personali, La informa che, ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento Europeo 2016/679 ("Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati"), i Suoi dati saranno trattati nel pieno e rigoroso rispetto della normativa citata. Lei gode di tutti i diritti previsti dal dettato normativo, in particolare dei diritti di cui agli art. 15 e successivi del Regolamento Stesso. In conformità con quanto previsto dall’art.37 del GDPR, si informa che Start Romagna ha nominato un Responsabile per la Protezione dei Dati che potrà essere contattato, per l’esercizio dei diritti sopra citati, all’indirizzo Per ulteriori dettagli: Pagina privacy

    devi accettare le condizioni della privaci per procedere

      Insert your data

      Province *


      Attach documentation

      Start Romagna, in qualità di Titolare del trattamento dei Suoi dati personali, La informa che, ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento Europeo 2016/679 ("Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati"), i Suoi dati saranno trattati nel pieno e rigoroso rispetto della normativa citata. Lei gode di tutti i diritti previsti dal dettato normativo, in particolare dei diritti di cui agli artt. 15 e successivi del Regolamento Stesso. In conformità con quanto previsto dall’art.37 del GDPR, si informa che Start Romagna ha nominato un Responsabile per la Protezione dei Dati che potrà essere contattato, per l’esercizio dei diritti sopra citati, all’indirizzo Per ulteriori dettagli: Pagina privacy

      devi accettare le condizioni della privaci per procedere

      Contact Information for Written or Telephone Reports

        Piazza Farini 9 – 48121 Ravenna
        Tel 199 11 55 77
        Via A. Volta n. 9 – 47122 Forlì
        Tel 199 11 55 77
        Viale Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, 38 – 47923 Rimini
        Tel 199 11 55 77
      • E-MAIL (ALL AREAS)


      European regulations protect passengers traveling within the EU by train, bus, ship, or plane, recognizing a set of essential rights common to different modes of collective transport.

      The Transport Regulation Authority is the national body responsible for the proper application of Community Regulations on passenger rights in rail transport, bus transport, and sea and inland waterway transport.

      Passengers who wish to make a complaint must first contact the transport company that issued the travel ticket.

      Only subsequently, in case of an unsatisfactory response or in case of no response from the transport company, passengers – also through associations representing their interests, expressly delegated – may turn to the Transport Regulation Authority, forwarding their complaint for the purpose of ascertaining any violation of EU Regulations on passenger rights in rail transport, bus transport, or sea and inland waterway transport.


      In case of no response from the transport company, a complaint can be submitted online to the Authority, using the telematic complaints acquisition system (SiTe) 90 days after the date of submitting the complaint to the bus transport company.

      On the ART website, information including the forms to submit a complaint in non-telematic mode is available.
